Do you teach languages?
Are you tired of correcting tests or homeworks?
Swency quizzes that measure comprehension in listening, reading and writing.
Would you be interested in a new method?
Are you curious of the newest solution?


You can save time as a teacher and money as a school principal with Swency.

Use Swency instead of paper ones!


Welcome to the world of Swency, where ready-to-use quizzes are available to everyone and new ones can be created in minutes.

Do you want to know how to create quizzes in minutes? Swency quizzes that measure comprehension in listening, reading and writing.

Try Swency for 14 days, without commitment!

Customer References

… A great feature is that it is fully multimedia in that you can import images, videos, PDF’s and even upload audio files…. Another feature which makes it standout from most modern genre quizzes is that it allows short answer questions. …Swency actually marks the answers as well…
Read more here:
New quizmaker software: Swency

Alan Pollock

Educational technologist, Australia

You can find everything in Swency what you need for practice, exercises and testing in a school. It is remarkably easy for us, teachers, to create the exercises and tests. And once you have created these exercises and tests here, you do not need to spend any more time on corrections, because Swency does it for you withing seconds. I do not only recommend this to language teachers – it is perfectly applicable for topics in other subjects as well. Swency is a “complex quiz-maker in a simple way for eveyone”.

Attila Fazekas

Associate professor, University Debrecen, Hungary

It’s a challenge to make your children study their mother language when you are living abroad. With Swency it is easy and fun: the workbooks are short, easy to complete and the results are immediate. Moreover, kids love gadgets and web-based games on phones/tablets are more motivating. 
Edit Tidrenczel, Dr.

parents, Ireland

…Your Swency looks very promising and could really hit the market in a completely different perspective…


teacher, USA

…I’m a teacher from Germany. A collegue of mine showed me your app. It’s brilliant!…


teacher, Germany

…Swency is a solution to fill in a missing part in modern education…


economist, Hungary

…This app is great!…


student, Sweden

Language independent

You can create quizzes in any language, adding teacher´s instructions, too.

Mobile, tablet, PC

Both the teacher- and the student-sites of Swency can be used from any these tools.

Help your peer teachers

Why not share the quizzes you´ve done with your peers and save time?

Study Swedish

Our quizzes are tested at SFI and in primary schools in Sweden.


Individual practice

Contact us to give you access to the Swency.

Practice Swedish at home

We equip you with practice texts, quizzes and videos sufficient for a year.

Contact us!