Practice Swedish at home!
Before: You speak Swedish with mistakes or don’t speak it at all. You don’t know what, how, via which channel and at what speed. Even you have no clue how you should start.
After: You confidentially speak Swedish, you are using correct sentences and expressions.
Orders from 25/January.
How should learn Swedish in a faster, enjoyable and easier way even beside working?
Online practice which is available from everywhere and anytime with Swency.

Swedish learning without Swency
You don’t know how to start, from where to learn, you are trying to memorise words. You are not able to put together a simple sentence. You don’t understand what are being said to you.

Swedish learning from Swency
With Swency Swedish practice lessons, you can practice ready-to-use sentences and expressions with audio files which are the most common ones in everyday life!
Swency online Swedish practice lessons are based on 4 main pillars
1. Ready-to-use sentences
We provide ready-to-use expressions and sentences in our lessons. Did you know that according to the latest studies, it is a mistake learning only words? Expressions can be memorised quicker than lonely words.

3. Solid grammar
We explain the grammar to you in a clear and solid way to understand and be able to use it in your everyday life. As Hungarian teachers we know which the Hungarian language learners’ most common mistakes are.
2. Assorted expressions
You are equipped with expressions and sentences which are the most commonly used in everyday life.

4. Practice workbooks
To each lesson, you will be given 90-200 digital workbooks with audio files. You can reach them via mobile, tablet or PC any time and use them several times.